Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Tony Pralinsky, Hagemeyer

“Emergency Service went great as usual.  Very fast and easy response from your folks.  You made it so easy.  I processed the order from the highway. Thanks for everything!!

  • Tony Pralinsky, Hagemeyer


“The Omni Cable team always delivers. Great customer service.”

  • Graybar

J. T. Grant, Farmville Wholesale Electric Supply Co. Inc.

“Omni Cable’s helpful staff always provides excellent solutions for my wire & cable needs. Their friendly sales representatives and fast & convenient shipping options make them my first choice in wire & cable.”

  • J. T. Grant, Farmville Wholesale Electric Supply Co. Inc.

Keith Underwood, Graybar

“I want give a shout out for the service that is provided by my Account Manager!  His expertise and promptness in responding helps me to look great in the eyes of my customers.  Anytime I have a cable that we do not have or I’m not sure of what type of cable it is, I can send it to him and in less than five minutes I have a response with pricing and availability.”

  • Keith Underwood, Graybar

Quermback Electric

“Omni Cable sales team is A+. Ten years ago I was sold on another distributor as my supplier for my electronic & data cables. Today, I only call them if Omni Cable cannot supply which is very rarely.”

  • Quermback Electric